Training & MOOC video

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Would you like to teach your teams new skills in a fun and innovative way?

We can help you produce a series of training videos and MOOCs for distribution on digital learning or internal learning platforms.

E-learning : a popular learning method

In an constantly evolving world, it’s essential to keep up with current trends and practices. The aim is to understand what’s at stake so as to exploit them effectively and take advantage of all the opportunities they offer.

Particularly with the arrival of artificial intelligence and technological advances, it’s essential for companies to keep up with the times.

These advances have led to the creation of new professions and the evolution of existing ones in terms of skills. That’s why more and more companies are organizing training courses for their employees and managers. These courses can take place in person or online.

Benefits of online training

A format adapted to the new generation of workers

With the arrival of the “digital natives” generation in the corporate world, these young people, born and bred in the age of the Internet and connected devices, prefer flexible, interactive and remotely accessible approaches.

E-learning, particularly when it incorporates video formats, modernizes companies by aligning their working and teaching methods with the expectations of this younger generation.

Opting for this learning format is therefore perfectly in line with the new practices favored by your future employees.


A practical learning format

Learners can study at their own pace, wherever they like and at any time of day.

This flexibility is particularly valuable, as it gives everyone the freedom to organize their learning around their personal schedules and learn at their own pace.

Training sessions are often structured around modules, enabling you to monitor your progress and gain an overview of your learning.

What’s more, there are a variety of methods for creating content, from videos to animations. These can be enriched for the learning experience with motion design, text wrapping or screencasts.

Explain complex concepts

Thanks to the format, length and dynamism of the videos, learners are educated in a fun way.

Learning with visuals is much more effective and, above all, much simpler. Images and videos not only convey a message in a way other than words, they also reinforce what you’re saying.

With practical content, learners are able to apply the knowledge they have acquired during training, thus ensuring that they fully understand the concept.

Provide practical demonstrations

Over the past few years, tutorials have become an essential part of educational videos, and have become increasingly popular thanks to the YouTube platform. Today, it’s easy to visit the platform and learn a new cooking recipe in just a few minutes, or to start a course on learning a foreign language.

But this format is just as well-suited for the corporate world for more technical trades such as presenting the use of software, a machine tool or a new work practice such as incorporating AI into its workflow.

Interventions in other organizations

To ensure the quality of their teaching, many organizations decide to invite specialists to speak at conferences or company seminars, for example.

These people present their backgrounds and share their knowledge with the audience, adding a new dimension to the training. Their presentations are often accompanied by visuals to facilitate understanding and learning.

The advantage of using the video format is that it really captivates the audience by creating an immersive experience. This is all the more effective when you’re dealing with complicated subjects.

You’ll find it easier to engage and interact with your audience. This will generate more exchanges on the subjects raised, making your intervention even more dynamic.

Create a community

Whether for a webinar, training course or live conference, the aim of this digital format is to create engagement and interaction between learners, the trainer and the speakers.

What is a MOOC video ?

The MOOC, or Massive Online Open Course, is an online training format adapted to a wide audience. Consisting mainly of short videos, MCQs and a discussion forum, this format makes available online training courses that are often free or affordable for users.

Between explanatory videos, practical exercises and collaborative work, learners benefit from comprehensive support, enabling them to acquire all the necessary knowledge and create team cohesion.

Users can exchange resources and interact with each other and with trainers. These exchanges create a balance between the digital and human sides of the equation.

This type of training is ideal for medium-sized and small companies, or student groups, as it creates a committed community of learners focused on mutual support.

There is also a version for large companies and multinationals: COOCs (Corporate Online Open Courses). Much more specific, these courses are tailor-made to address specific corporate issues.

What do we offer ?

Our team, specialized in the production of digital learning videos, can support you throughout the entire creative and production process. From scripting to post-production finishing, we can provide you with comprehensive support to ensure a high-quality result that reflects the image of your organization.

We can also guide you in defining the overall strategy for your digital training project, selecting formats adapted to your audience, such as MOOCs.

To do this, we create short, dynamic videos that captivate users, stimulate their engagement and facilitate the assimilation of knowledge at their own pace.
