Fashion photographer

Fashion photographer model picture banner

Our fashion photographers work with brands that want to showcase their collections.

We are used to working both on product shoots without models, highlighting the article on its own, and on the creation of visuals of worn products, collaborating with models to capture the essence of your brand.

Whether in the studio, on location or in locations carefully chosen to reflect your brand’s DNA, we adapt our expertise to your needs.

Why do you do fashion photography?

Photos are decisive in the fashion world: they have a considerable influence on the customers’ decision making.

The professional approach of our photographers will provide you with an elegant, distinguished and stylish rendering of your brand. In an industry where aesthetics are of paramount importance, it is natural to take extreme care with every shot, from lighting to framing and retouching. The shots will therefore underline the quality of the product as well as the know-how of the manufacturer.

Finally, our photographers will provide you with ideal turnkey photos for professional use (use for your website, your social networks, your poster campaigns or all types of marketing support).

Know-how and experience for quality photos

Our team of fashion photographers uses high quality photographic equipment to provide you with high quality, ideal and optimal photos to promote your fashion items. These images owe their uniqueness to their originality on the one hand, and to a perfect mastery of image and light on the other hand. Our fully equipped studio contributes to this excellence. Whether it is for a studio photograph or a night shoot, they guarantee you a good exposure to avoid blur and shoot your most beautiful photos with impeccable sharpness.

Photographers can also make corrections and retouching with post-processing of the shots to best suit your needs

Our team of fashion photographers at your service

Our professional photographers put their expertise at your service to promote your collections. With numerous photo shoots in the fashion industry, they have a wealth of experience that they will be happy to mobilize for your project. This experience and their versatility will be as many assets necessary to take up the codes and trends of your sector, as well as to propose new ideas that will differentiate you from your competitors.

If you are looking for a fashion photographer in Switzerland for the realization of your fashion photo shoots, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
