Corporate video

Corporate video banner

As a company, it’s increasingly important to promote your know-how and expertise, and present your company’s DNA.

That’s why our videographer are on hand to produce corporate videos that are impactful, effective and in line with your values.

Examples of corporate video

Savoy verre

Smile clinique


Reyl – Success Together


Combe Driver Services

Comfone – Artificial Intelligence

Comfone – Marketing service platform

Comfone – Data Management

Why corporate video?

A corporate communication video is an effective tool to develop the image of your company with customers and leads. It is important for you, your employees and your future collaborators to have a good presentation of your company, and to know its values and culture. A corporate video can be the showcase of your company.

At Lake Prod, we want to highlight everything you have built so far through a nice corporate video.

How to make a corporate video?

A corporate video can be done in many ways.

We can showcase your company through your premises, your employees and your values. We can create a serious or more casual video, always with a style that fits your world.

We convey strong and precise messages in a dynamic and impactful video.

What we offer

We make any type of video according to your needs:

If you wish to make a video with your company values, we can make a video report in your premises or create a video in motion design. This one will respect your graphic charter and will put forward your visual identity. The information thus animated will captivate the spectator and be better memorized.

If you wish to make a recruitment video in an innovative format, we can make a video report within your company. We will be able to stage your employees in order to have a real immersion in your work environment.

If you wish to make a testimonial video with experience sharing of your team members in order to highlight your corporate culture, we can carry out interviews as well as illustration shots of the position occupied.

If you wish to make video capsules, i.e. short videos of about one minute on a specific theme, we will produce a montage of important information not to be missed and make the video as clear and comprehensive as possible.

If you would like to make videos of the heads of departments, who are best placed to talk about a branch of the company’s activities, we will also make interviews with descriptive images to illustrate what they have to say.

Would you like to work with us?

Our production studio creates dynamic and impactful videos to make a lasting impression. If you want to develop a strong and effective employer brand:
