Our professions

Video editing

Video editing picture banner

Video editing involves selecting and compiling shots to create a coherent and captivating story.

The editor, combining technical and artistic skills, uses specialised software to structure the rushes according to the script and the vision of the project, ensuring a fluid and engaging narrative.

Examples of videos

Cartier X EHL

Danhôo – Live in Blue

Combe Driver Services

HEC Lausanne – Prix Stratégis

Katy Noa – Possédée

Comfone – Artificial Intelligence

video editing

For several years now, screens have become omnipresent in our environment. Video is the communication medium par excellence. Video editing or audiovisual editing is a central part of a dynamic and successful communication.

Our agency’s editor works hard to produce quality video editing that meet your needs and boost your audience on the Internet and social networks.

a world of skills at your service

The editor must find the subtle alchemy to assemble several sequences. He is the one who assembles the images, so that your corporate video effectively conveys a message. To do this, he must be involved in every steps of the process and demonstrate a wide range of know-how combining creation and technical knowledge.

To ensure proper video editing, the editor must be present during the shooting, sequence selection and calibration. He must master several softwares and participate in post-production. It is a rich and varied profession that requires a lot of flexibility.

The editor of our agency collaborates with our director and you, in order to make a promotional film that is of high quality and consistent with your image and communication strategy. Video editing is therefore a real art at the technical, creative and communication level.

video editing to enhance your company

Audiovisual communication is booming. Internet users consume large quantities of digital videos on a wide variety of media every day. The video editing carried out by our agency’s editors highlights your company, your new collection or your products. Audiovisual communication can be used to present your website, enhance your business strategy, improve your brand image with your partners and make you known to potential future customers.

Online videos have a very good engagement rate on the Internet and social networks, which can improve your visibility and brand image and attract the attention of new customers and partners. A very large proportion of your customers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video montage that highlights it.

Video editing can also help your internal communication. You can communicate quickly and easily with your employees through the use of corporate videos.

video editing for your project

Whatever your project, our agency ensures that the video editing you have ordered is in perfect harmony with your company’s image and that it captures the audience you want to reach.

Our video editor puts all his skills at your disposal, so that the video editing fully satisfies you. He will give you all the advice you need to ensure that your video editing is a success.

Would you like our editor to make the film that will boost your image and attract new customers? Use our agency.
