Our professions

Motion designer

Motion designer picture banner

Motion designers specialise in creating animations from initially static visual elements, producing motion design videos.

These videos transform information into sequences that are both entertaining and educational, adapted to various themes and content.

Examples of motion design videos

Hublot – Insider mobile app


Comfone – Phoenix Roaming Service

Novacity – Identity change

Comfone – Marketing service platform

motion designer.

Motion design, also called motion graphic design, is a technique that brings graphics to life. It is a visual art that consists in creating animated works. Also called animated design, it involves the use of movement as the main graphic and artistic tool. It is a dynamic and effective format widely used in the field of audiovisual communication. Our motion designer is at your disposal to produce an advertisementa video or a film that meets your communication needs.

an innovative and effective communication tool

Our agency offers to design graphic productions combining video, 3D animation, text, sound and special effects. Motion design is a highly innovative advertising format and a dynamic strategy to improve the effectiveness of your communication. The attention of your potential customers and partners will be more attracted by a video using the latest generation technologies, mixing animation and real images.

We offer you to make different types of videos according to your needs. These can be educational, fun, promotional or institutional. Motion design is an ideal format for the presentation of a product or service because it conveys information in an efficient, original and dynamic way. On social networks, it promotes the engagement of your followers and can even create buzz.

motion design for your company

Motion design is very often used in digital communication. Videos edited on the Internet and social networks are edited according to the best practices of motion design. It is an effective way to present your company, event or site. Our motion designer always takes the time to clearly define your needs. He will use several animation techniques, in order to ensure that he can best meet your request, and thus produce a personalized media mix product.

If you want to promote your workspace or premises, our motion designer will provide you with interactive and animated tools that will capture the attention of your target audience. If you want to communicate with your team, motion design can also support your message because of its ability to convey clear and concise information.

a know-how adaptable to your project

Our motion designer will take the time necessary to define in detail with you the different stages of the project. For our agency, this is a fundamental step for any type of project. It is essential for us that the result obtained fully meets your expectations, both in terms of quality and consistency with your communication strategy. Our agency will therefore assist you in defining the objectives and writing the script. The motion designer will be active in the sequence proposals. This is to give you an idea of how the video works. Then it will move on to the media mix stage. Your project will then soon be available and can be exported in the necessary formats.

Do you want to be at the top of innovation in order to boost your image and attract new customers? Use our agency.
