14 September 2022

Video editing – Understanding how it works and which mistakes to avoid

Lakeprod Blog Montage Vidéo

What is video editing?

Video editing takes place in post-production, i.e. after the shooting of one or more videos that the videographer wishes to transform into a personalised sequence. It is an obligatory step in most videos that are broadcast, whether they are documentaries, films, clips, reports, cartoons or whether they are professional such as a corporate video or an advertisement. An editor uses software that offers many editing options to create a powerful visual effect.

Advances in digital technology have made it increasingly accessible to edit and edit on your own. However, for professional content, it is best to turn to professional videographers who will ensure better quality for your corporate videos.

How to edit a video?

The most commonly used video editing method is virtual editing using software that allows you to move a shot or sequence during editing with the segmentation of shots. There are several methods of virtual editing.

  • The videographer selects sequences from his original video and places them in the desired order on a timeline in a software program according to the time measurement. He can then play with transition effects between each video file. Since a timeline is not set in stone, the videographer can always modify his or her editing, insert new sequences, add special effects or collages on top of the video.
  • Drag-and-drop. This is exactly the same principle in software, but instead of using the timeline to drop footage onto the timeline, the operator drags and drops. Good management of the timeline is essential when editing.

Virtual editing is very practical as it also allows several timelines to be created in parallel. It is then possible to superimpose several sequences, with different levels of transparency. Transitions can be elaborate and varied, special effects can be added, graphics, text or any other type of element can be integrated. Moreover, there are an infinite number of possible combinations, which can make your video editing very creative.

There are many free and paid software programs for editing videos. There is no best software, it is the quality of the editor that is most important. This will allow good management of visual effects, audio and video as well as colour grading.

Good practices for your video editing

  • Get prepared: organise your work so that you have your final objective in mind. You can sort your video files, think of an order, anticipate the setting. This way, editing will be less tedious.
  • Space out the transitions. You don’t want to rush the person who is going to see the final result. You need to give space to each idea in your video so that the message is well transmitted and understood.
  • Add visual aids to better capture attention: titles, graphics or illustrations, all this will allow you to captivate your audience, especially for your corporate video.
  • Sober transitions: you’ve probably already seen a video with so many transitions that you forgot the content. It’s the same principle for video editing: transitions must be fluid, natural, and leave the content first. They should highlight the sequences, not hide them
  • Choose the right music: if your editing is dynamic, the music must be adapted, and the reverse is also true. The soundtrack of a video montage is essential as it must match the content and rhythm of the montage and transitions. Audio content can be edited in the same way as video, by putting several pieces of audio together or by recording audio during the shooting.

Mistakes to avoid when editing video

  • Never neglect the soundtrack. As we have seen, the soundtrack must be in keeping with the video. But it is not enough to put on “passable” music. You have to pay attention to the audio and its superimposition on the sequences if there are extras speaking in the video. The choice of music is obviously important, as is the management of sound effects and background music. The sound intensity must be measured and consistent with the different sequences. This is both a tedious and delicate part of video editing, but crucial to the user experience.
  • Lenghts: when you watch a film, a video or anything similar, some lengths are useless and boring. It is important to know when to cut some parts. Every piece of a video must bring something to the viewer, otherwise the audience won’t be captivated.
  • Excessive editing: when you create your transitions, your editing, you must keep in mind the objective of your video and its audience. Depending on this, you will be able to choose between a simple montage, or something more dynamic. You need to be very consistent when editing a video, and therefore use this tool sparingly.
  • Editing legibility: it is important to pay attention to the legibility of the graphic and textual elements that you can add to the edit. Indeed, it is unpleasant not to be able to read the elements that are added, and above all, this discredits the video and the operator who created it. Thus, it is important to choose the font, colour and size of the graphics, and the time at which they are added to the edit to maintain consistency.
  • Not taking into account different interfaces: depending on the user’s interface, the video rendering can be very different. This must be adapted on both Mac and Windows. The format must therefore be visible and accessible for download for users who wish to download the visual creation.

Why taking care of the video editing for your corporate video?

Video editing is a tool that will enable you to enhance your creation, but above all to achieve the objective you set yourself before filming. The aim is to make it look as professional as possible, and in line with your message. You can use this format for your advertising or communication strategy.

Editing can be used for special effects, to give rhythm to the video, to create ellipses in a story or to improve the quality of the shot. You will have the opportunity to be creative. You will also be able to access the use of communication channels like YouTube through the video format.

There are many video editing ideas that are useful for a corporate video, for example you can offer YouTube tutorials, professional slide shows, short commercials, video clips, etc. You can also offer videos for users to download for greater impact. You have endless options with this format.

Video editing at LakeProd

At LakeProd we will work with you on your video from start to finish. Our teams of professional videographers will shoot scenes with you, and will be able to offer you the editing that suits you best. Our editing teams will provide you with a complete video editing and a professional and aesthetic result.

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