12 April 2018

the best photo and video ideas for your corporate parties

Lakeprod Blog Soirees Entreprise 01
the best photo and video ideas for your corporate parties

The organisation of festive events within companies generates several billion euros for organisers in Switzerland. This figure shows how much importance companies attach to these company parties. They make an important contribution to the overall development of the company, both in terms of its employees and its activities on the market. Several production techniques for your photos or videos can be used to immortalize your events from a strategic point of view, notably timelapse. But then, how can you liven up your company’s evenings? What does the timelapse really consist of? Stay with us and discover all the secrets of a successful company party.

Lakeprod Blog Les Meilleures Idees De Photos Et Videos Pour Vos Soirees D Entreprise

liven up your company evenings with various activities

the possibilities are endless

The possibilities are unlimited when organizing a company party. For even more choice, you can call on professional organisers who specialise in this field. In order to clearly define the direction you and the organizing team will take, it is important to determine several crucial points. First of all, be aware of the very reason for the evening. Is it a party to reward deserving employees? Or is it perhaps a periodic event, organized by the company every year as a tradition? The choice of decor, facilities and theme for the company party depends greatly on this factor. Next, determine the objective, and the result you want to achieve from the evening. Perhaps you want to strengthen relationships with your business partners? Or do you want to strengthen the team spirit among your employees? Or do you want to create an event communication to develop your employer brand or to demonstrate your efficiency in the organization of your parties?

take advantage of an outdoor setting

In all things, there are always certain constraints to consider, and company parties are no exception to the rule. Knowledge of the latter makes it possible to better refine one’s decisions in terms of corporate events. One of the most important, especially for a firm, is surely time. Discuss with your organizer, and determine the date and time of your corporate event. To facilitate the management of the evening, decide in advance the number of people attending your corporate event. Most of the time, your organizer will propose an idea for a corporate event, after taking into account your needs and expectations. If you want to organise the party outside your premises, your organiser will take care of the venue for the guests himself.

the different types of company parties

A company party can take any form and in any colour. There are theme evenings, gala dinners, company dinners, cocktails, VIP evenings, evening shows, corporate evening entertainment, and much more. Cocktails represent one of the simplest forms of corporate event. It often involves only the employees of a company, with no guests from outside the company. It is also possible to organize end of year parties with original entertainment or private corporate events. This is followed by company dinners, where the meal is already organized for the guests. It can be organized for different reasons, such as the launch of a new service or product, the celebration of the creation of the company, or the departure of an employee. It is possible to invite people from outside the company, such as partners, customers or suppliers.

think about animations for your company parties

If you want to make an impression with a major communication strategy, then corporate evening entertainment is for you. There is nothing better to set up a festive atmosphere, with a choice of different themes at your disposal. The setting is meant to be informal, unlike a simple cocktail party, with animations that can be totally out of the ordinary, or remain rather classic. We can also cite the example of the photocall which adapts very well to any animation. It consists in inviting all the participants in the party to pose for a photo session. You can bring different accessories to disguise your collaborators. The festive atmosphere is thus ensured, in addition to a team building allowing to tighten the professional bonds between collaborators, or business partners.

To mark your professional events, you can request the services of a professional photographer, who will travel throughout the evening to pass between the guests, and capture the best shots. He will take quality photos and interactive shots to immortalize your evenings. Indeed, often, nothing beats a photo taken in the act, conveying the raw and authentic emotions of the moment.

original videos thanks to current trends

more than just photos and videos

It is not only photos that are effective in immortalizing exceptional events, as part of a company party. Technological innovations relating to video editing , as well as the evolution of various capture devices have meant that more and more animation processes, which until recently were the prerogative of the major film production companies, have become accessible to the greatest number of people.  Among these animation techniques, there is the timelapse, which has become a must to ensure a memorable company evening. Organizers often include it in their animation ideas, knowing that most companies only have this word in their mouths when it comes to their corporate event.

the tendency of the timelapse

The timelapse represents a cinematographic effect, known as a “speed-up” effect, which offers this unique and characteristic rendering on the photos. To obtain a timelapse, several successive shots of the same place, taken over the same time interval, are gathered in chronological order, from the first to the last image. It is the same when the producers animate the cartoons, the audiovisual specialist scrolls through the images at a rate of 24 photos per second. This gives the optical illusion of this continuous fluid sequence. Because of its technical characteristics, it can only be done by a professional specialist in the field, for an optimal result, although anyone can try it, if they have a smartphone offering the functionality. The result can be most original for a company party.

Any type of company can benefit from the timelapse effect for its corporate events. As an illustration, here is a timelapse made in the context of an evening of teachers of the FSRM. In one minute ten, it covers the entire evening, from the installation, to the arrival of the guests, to the end of the evening. The result is simple, succinct and effective. The observer quickly gets an idea of how the event went. Here is another example of a timelapse made by JeffHK, published on Youtube. 30 days are condensed into 10 minutes of video and the video shows very spectacular images. The observer can be amazed to see these 30 days scroll by in ten minutes.

videos of your corporate party for an effective communication strategy

It is necessary to make a high quality event video of your evening, in order to create multimedia content, but also to be able to broadcast it afterwards. Videos can be used as part of any communication strategy. With its particular rendering, it can be more effective than simple snapshots, to mark the minds of observers. A video is beneficial for internal and external communication. It contributes to networking, to strengthen newly created links with potential partners. For example, we can consider emailing and sending videos of the last company party to all employees, shareholders and sponsors. It can also be part of the implementation of a communication strategy aimed at consumers.

The videos allow Internet users to understand the values of your company and to reflect a trendy image of your company, such as an original and innovative company. Customers will be able to discover your company in a new light, with a slightly more intimate dimension. And the whole thing can be viewed quickly, in about a minute, to ensure that the viewer looks at the content with interest, right to the end. The videos also adapt to all communication media. It is particularly well suited to websites and social networks, as part of your digital marketing strategy.

Perhaps the most important element in the realization of a company party is the communication around your event. Do not hesitate to communicate internally by creating flyers, brochures or newsletters addressed to your employees. This will ensure that everyone invited is informed about the event. Just like communication after the event, communication before the event is also important. Communication after the event will not only allow you to share the course of your evening, but also to promote your company image and energise it with original evenings.

If you would like to organise a company party and would like photo and video coverage:

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