30 May 2022

The audiovisual jobs around a corporate video

En Lakeprod Blog Audiovisual Jobs

In the audiovisual industry, there are many different roles. They range from picture specialists to post-production specialists. Within these two main roles, there are others such as videographers, editors and directors. Each position specializes in a different expertise and all depend on each other to create a professional quality product.

Pre-production, the first step of your video

Before you start filming, it is important to think about everything that goes into a video. You need to work on the content and the form of the video to get the best possible result and to have everything structured on the day of the shooting.

First of all, what is the objective of the video? Who is it for? What do you want the people who watch your video to take away from it? How do you want them to feel? These questions will help you determine the tone and style of your video, as well as your needs in terms of equipment and human resources.

Next comes setting a budget and finding a team. Once you know how much you can spend, it’s easier to determine what kind of production you can really afford. Do you want a video with a fairly simple production? Or do you want something more elaborate that requires multiple cameras and a whole crew?

Then determine when and where you want to shoot. If your shoot is outdoors, make sure you have a backup location in case of bad weather. If there are specific times when people need to be available, such as actors or guests, make sure those dates are coordinated with everyone’s schedules.

Finally, make sure that all the details are taken care of before the shoot starts: food for the crew, makeup, dressing and styling if necessary, props and sets needed for the scenes… and the list goes on.

All this is the director‘s mission in accordance with the client’s expectations and wishes. The director follows the project from the first stage of preparation to post-production.

Production, the time to shoot your video

You’ve written your script, you’ve chosen your material, you’ve made sense of your message. It’s time to start shooting.

Producing a corporate video is a team effort that requires everyone to fill one or more specific roles. As the production progresses, the roles of the people involved evolve. They are all essential to the smooth running of the project.

The director is the orchestra leader of the shoot. He or she must have a global understanding of the project and the technical constraints to successfully complete the video. His objective is to bring together the different participants around a common project by sharing his vision of the final video. He must therefore take care of the coordination of all the technical teams, videographers and sound technicians. His role is also to apply the script decided beforehand in the pre-production phase.

We find the videographers. The camera is an essential element to ensure the quality of the product. The videographer must be aware of framing techniques and know the technical constraints of the equipment he uses.

Our videographers are creative. They know the techniques to give movement and dynamism to your video: the rhythm of the shots, the position of the lens, the type of light… They will know how to sublimate your video and highlight your company. As a videographer, it is crucial to know the different styles of filmmaking, as well as the techniques and tools to improve image and sound.

If interviews or exchanges are planned during your video, it is necessary to set up a structured audio plan. This is the mission of the sound engineer or sound technician. Because a good video depends above all on excellent sound quality, their role should not be neglected.

Because a shooting is also an opportunity to take pictures of your activity, professional photographers can also be part of the team to immortalize this unique moment for your company.

La post-production, le montage de votre vidéo

The post-production stage is the last step in the video production process. It is an extremely important step in the creation of your audiovisual content which is a long process and requires a lot of time and rigor. It is what will make the difference between quality and professional content and amateur content. Because yes, it can happen quickly if you start without being accompanied.

The first role is that of the editor. The editor must select the key moments of the recording, define the rhythm of the video, decide which passages are the most relevant to remove or to keep. The editor’s role in post-production is essential because it is he who creates a coherent story from the raw clips. In addition, it can be interesting to add effects to make a video more dynamic or bring relief, such as visual effects or textual content.

In post-production, depending on what has been decided with the client, a motion designer can be called in. The motion designer is a post-production professional specialized in the creation and animation of graphic elements (logos, typography, icons…). He brings dynamism and movement to your video, with a style that reflects your brand image.

His intervention allows to enhance the essential information of your speech, thanks to the use of animated typography or motion design graphics. The elements he creates bring a narrative dimension to your project, and lead the viewer to the heart of the message. Motion design is increasingly present in corporate videos.

Finally, the director continues to follow this last step of the process. He is the one who validates the editing and the different stages of post-production.

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Lakeprod, a team of professionals to accompany you

Lakeprod, a team of video professionals to accompany you in the realization of your project. Whether it is for the realization of corporate videos, interviews, HR videos or reports, our team can offer you a wide choice of realizations.

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