21 July 2022

Les podcasts, un format attractif

Image Podcast

Why do podcasts are becoming famous in business?

According to studies conducted by, podcasts have been very popular in recent years. There is therefore a definite craze for this type of communication format, which has a fairly large target audience. It is a way to communicate freely, creatively, without worries of mobility or accessibility. Podcasts are therefore very effective, and more and more appreciated.

What is a podcast?

It is a digital audio content accessible via streaming or downloading platforms. The content is free and allows to transmit information in a lively and entertaining way. Digital audio episodes are increasingly used in a digital marketing context, especially on social networks.

By the way, the word podcast was created totally by accident by contracting the words “iPod” and “broadcast” together.

The podcast: a future format in marketing strategy

According to a 2019 Statista study, 22% of the Swiss population listens to podcasts occasionally, and 12% listens assiduously. Why is it important to increase the number of podcast listeners? Simply because when you listen to a podcast, you are much more receptive than when you watch a video or read an article. The tone of voice, the rhythm, the musical background, all these factors make it easy for the audience to be interested in what they hear. For these reasons, podcasts are booming since many companies have seen this opportunity and exploited it. They have been able to build a real audience among their networks. These types of content are growing, so it’s a strategic format for the future.

What jobs are there in the podcasting industry?

In this field, there is a practical part managed by editors, videographers, sound engineers, but also a creative part with directors and scriptwriters. There are also specialists in marketing, strategy and communication, including Eric Briones, who said, speaking of the podcast: “(…) as it is done by voice, it is very strong in emotion. It creates an intimacy, a personal relationship between the listener and the brand.

Why create a podcast for your business?

Originally, the use of podcasts was affiliated almost exclusively with radio, news or talk. With the development of streaming platforms, access to podcasts has exploded, as has the demand for them. As a result, it is a format that is quite suitable for communication. It is important to note that there is no age limit for listening to a podcast, which makes it possible to reach many potential customers.

The podcast can deal with very specific subjects, for example the manufacturing steps, the chemical compounds of a product, the exact journey of a component or the complete explanations of a sales department. So it’s a great communication tool for a company in that you can create very interactive and specific content based on what you want to share. You also have a lot of opportunities to create, for example you could imagine a series of podcasts that you deliver every week on a service of your company, and create a discussion platform to open up the debate on your podcasts with your listeners.

So, if you want to improve the influence of your brand, its notoriety, create a link with your community of customers or increase your natural referencing, then you can turn to podcasts. These tools will allow you to inform your listeners, to give them confidence, and eventually to build their loyalty. If you use rather traditional means of communication, creating podcasts can bring authenticity to your image. Naturally, this will contribute to develop your influence, and create a link with your audience.

What is the guideline for creating a podcast?

To make your podcast in the rules of art, you will have to follow these guidelines:

  • Choose your subject: it seems obvious, but you must first determine the themes that you will or will not address in an episode to facilitate the scripting of the podcast.
  • Identify the target audience: you will not address in the same way an audience of students or workers for example. Similarly, you will have to choose the music of the podcast, its ideal length, etc.
  • Choose a title: you should think of a clear and easy to find title.
  • Choose a format: it is possible to broadcast via spotify, deezer, or via online platforms.
  • Choose the desired duration.
  • Script your podcast: the most important thing about a podcast is to be fun, memorable and interesting. It is therefore necessary to think carefully about how the audio will be produced.
  • Choose the music.
  • Record.
  • Broadcast: publications on social networks, Google, radio, or any other type of media.

And there you have it, your company is ready for audio content broadcasting!

Some tips to create a good podcast:

Your podcast at Lakeprod

Our team of creative experts is specialized in audio and visual projects. We will follow you all along the process, from creation to broadcasting and communication, to personalize your podcast and enhance its capture.
At Lakeprod, we have at heart the follow-up of our customers, we advise you thanks to our business expertise, and accompany you on the long term on questions of strategy, communication and digital marketing.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to start broadcasting podcasts!

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